World Trade Center Update |
On September 11, 2001, Brother Costello rushed into the Trade Center after the first plane hit, in order to rescue passengers that may have been trapped in the elevators. Chuck is as much of a hero as the fire fighters and police. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for another. Brother Costello will be sorely missed, but never forgotten. |
Our heartfelt prayers go out to the victims and the families of this cowardly attack on the people of the United States of America. It will only make us stronger! |
The International Union of Elevator Constructors Local #1 - New York & New Jersey |
This page was designed by Brother Ed KilKenny
Any comments, suggestions, complaints, etc. should be directed to Mike Duffy, a member of I.U.E.C. Local Union #1 of New York & New Jersey. Please make reference to the page that you are commenting on in your e-mail response |